ad notam represented at ISE 2015
ad notam´s client Bowers & Wilkins participated at ISE 2015

Bowers & Wilkins, one of ad notam’s international clients, took part at this years ISE trade show in Amsterdam. Integrated Systems Europe (ISE) is one of Europe´s leading Exhibitions on System Integration and took place from 10 to 12 of February 2015.
Bowers & Wilkins not only participated with a stunning stand, but also with innovative and futuristic products. Part of the stand was also ad notam – with multimedia solutions for the kitchen, living room and as a digital signage solution. We thank Bowers & Wilkins for this great representation of ad notam products and hope, that the fair was successful for our partner!
The next Integrated Systems Europe will take place at the Amsterdam RAI on 9-12 February 2016.